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7 Tips To Choose The Right Gynecologist In Dubai

7 Tips To Choose The Right Gynecologist In Dubai

Choosing a gynecologist is not an easy job, as one might think. It’s not like going through the yellow pages or choosing the first option that you find in your Google search. A gynecologist is someone with whom you discuss your most intimate and personal health issues. For situations like these, there is an obvious need for you to feel comfortable and confident.

The conventional process of choosing an Ob/Gyn begins by asking for recommendations from friends and family. There is nothing wrong with it. However, choosing an Ob/Gyn is more of a personal decision. Your mom’s, sister’s, or friends’ gynecologist may not be a good fit for you. Moreover, this gets even tougher when you are in a new city and not really familiar with hospitals/doctors around you. In Dubai, where expatriates form over 80% of the population, this becomes even more true.

So, if you are expecting a new member in the family or planning to have a baby, it’s time to visit a gynecologist. Moreover, there are several other reasons a female may require seeking a doctor’s advice for taking care of their reproductive health. Regardless of your age, even if you’re perfectly healthy, getting regular check-ups and seeking guidance from an expert gynecologist is highly advisable.

Finding a Gynecology clinic in Dubai should not be that tricky as the city has one of the best medical infrastructures in place. However, having way too many options can also create problems. Thus, here are our 7 easy tips for choosing the perfect gynecologist or Ob/Gyn for you in Dubai.

  1. Specialization: Before we begin, you need to understand that obstetricians and Gynecologists are two separate specialties. Gynecologists are physicians who have a specialization in female reproductive care; right from your first period to all the way till post-menopausal age. On the other hand, obstetricians deliver babies, provide prenatal care, infertility treatments, or do any surgical procedures related to reproductive organs. Two fields are so inter-woven that most doctors who have both specialties prefer to call themselves “Ob/Gyn.” Once you are clear, make a list of potential specialists that you find suitable for you and begin from there.

2. Research the obstetrician/ Gynecologists credentials:

A proper license to practice is the foremost thing to check about a gynecologist. In UAE, there are several healthcare licensing authorities for doctors, which are generally based on the location they are looking to practice. For Dubai, mainland DHA (Dubai Health Authority) has the jurisdiction to issue the license, but for Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC), a regulatory branch of DHCC issues license to medical professionals.

3. Three pointer tests:

Apart from the proper certification, there are 3 main points based on which doctors’ expertise can be evaluated. So, check if your potential Ob/Gyn rise to your expectations based on the factors, such as Experience, Gender, and Specialization.

  1. Experience: It’s not just about the years of experience but also about handling complex cases and achieving positive results.
  2. Gender: The majority of female patients find it comfortable to discuss their intimate details with female Gynecologists. However, don’t deny yourself the best medical care just for the sake of gender. All male Gynecologists have female subordinates and other staff when the patient is not comfortable with an intimate examination.
  3. Specialization: As mentioned, check if your doctor is just a gynecologist or an Ob/Gyn. If you are looking for infertility treatment, you may prefer to go to someone who has specialized knowledge of treating infertility, IVF, and other related fields of study.

4.Research about the hospital:

If you are expecting a child or planning to have one, then it is important that you check the Gynecology hospital or clinic in Dubai, with which the Ob/Gyn is associated. After all, your doctor’s hospital will be your hospital.

Don’t get fooled by fancy ads and photos of delivery suites. Instead, look for the reputation of the hospital; it always about substance over the style.

Below is your checklist for finalizing the hospital:

  1. The location of the hospital
  2. Network hospitals
  3. Level of NICU care and supportive infrastructure
  4. Availability of other specialists

5. Insurance:

Insurance is a practical matter, and it requires to be addressed at initial stages. Find out if the particular Gynecology hospital is covered in the list of cashless hospitalization by your insurance company. To receive the maximum benefits of your insurance, it is essential.

6. Ask plenty of questions:

There is no upper limit for asking questions when you are finalizing your doctor. To help you get started, here is our list:

  1. Will the doctor be available on the phone or SMS to answer your non-emergency queries?
  2. How long do you need to wait to get a non-routine appointment?
  3. How does he/she deal with emergency calls?
  4. How soon will he/she be able to meet or attend you?

You can develop your list from here on by taking tips from all the above points mentioned here.

7. You feel comfortable with them:

Whether you value it or not, this is the most crucial point of decision making, and this can be done only when you meet the doctor. This doctor is potentially be performing intimate examinations on you. You are expected to share your most personal details related to your reproductive health with this medical professional. It is crucial that you feel absolutely comfortable with your gynecologist and trust him/her for positive results.

There is something called women’s intuitions. You very well understand what we are talking about. Listen to what your family member says and consider the recommendations they make, but at the end of the day, listen to your gut. Never feel bad about wanting a different gynecologist other than your friends or family. Ultimately, it’s your body and your right.