The 5th Global Family Medicine Scientific Alliance (GFMSA) Meeting was held virtually yesterday. During the meeting, doctors and specialists representing several healthcare institutions and organisations from the Gulf Cooperation Council and the world discussed several topics, including the role of the GFMSA and its vision, IFM Scientific Programme briefing, The meeting ended with recommendations and […]
The 10th of October marks World Mental Health Day. In celebration of this initiative that was initially launched in1992 by the World Federation for Mental Health, St. George’s University in Grenada, West Indies continue to raise awareness about the importance of psychological wellbeing,especially that, according to WHO, depression is one of the leading mental illnesses […]
The Emirates Health Services (EHS) has launched an innovative initiative to develop distinguished community mental health services, creating a network of community mental health clinics for Al Amal Psychiatric Hospital in primary healthcare centres. In addition to providing comprehensive psychological services near the patient’s residence, the network of clinics will deliver training courses to workers […]
By Dr. Robert Grant, Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Studies at St. George’s University School of Medicine in Grenada, West Indies. Over the years, I can confidently say that a very significant and important part of being a medical school student is understanding the theoretical knowledge of science, but an equally crucial component is the tangible […]
Procter & Gamble (P&G) has partnered with Al Zulekha Hospital in the UAE andChoithrams, for the Pink It Now campaign in October as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This initiative strives to increase awareness of the disease, promote screening and early testing, and raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and […]
The International Fund for Houbara Conservation (IFHC), the global leader in pre-emptive species conservation, and the Emirates Schools Establishment (ESE) have today announced the winners of the 2021 Young Conservationist Authors competition. The work of the fifteen winning teams of students from schools across the UAE has been published in a book, ‘Stories from our […]
Allurion launched the Allurion Balloon (formally known as the Elipse Gastric Balloon) in the UAE to support a community struggling with being overweight and obese and thus the worrying risk of heart damage. Celebrated annually on 29th September, World Heart Day is an initiative of the World Heart Federation (WHF) launched to coincide with the […]
Fakeeh University Hospital, a world-class healthcare and academic center in the UAE, yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Siemens Healthineersto further enhance the successful collaboration across various areas with a special focus on medical excellence, improvement of productivity and innovation in healthcare delivery. Brought to the UAE by pioneering Saudi healthcare provider group, […]
Karl Dariane, the founder of the first flexology studio in the Middle East, FlexoFix, has experienced such tremendous success that the time to build his vision has finally arrived. FlexoFixwill be expanding into an all-encompassing wellness centre as a natural next step. Knowledge, caring, and experience will bring to life the core principles of FlexoFix‘s […]
The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has introduced Post-COVID-19 clinics at two of its health centres in Dubai. The clinics will take place on Tuesdays at Al Barsha Health Centre and on Thursdays at Nad Al Hammar Health Centre. The clinics are for patients with lingering symptoms, often referred to as “long-COVID” as the symptoms persist […]