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DHA Begins COVID Vaccination For Frontliners, Employees In Vital Professionals In Government Sector

Dubai Health Authority (DHA) announced that it has begun the vaccination drive for frontliners and employees in vital professionals in the government sector.

Dr. Farida Al Khaja, CEO of Clinical Support Services and Nursing Sector at the DHA and Chairperson of the COVID-19 Vaccination Steering Committee, said the vaccination drive is in line with providing vaccines for priority groups in the first phase.

“These employees are public-facing employees, we are truly thankful to all frontliners across all sectors. We have received the list of these employees after coordination with relevant stakeholders across all government departments and we have booked their appointments.”

DHA will also shortly begin the same process for frontliners in the private healthcare sector, as they are a priority group.

Dr. Al Khaja said, “In the first phase, Emiratis as well as residents above the age of 60 years, people of determination, people with chronic diseases, frontliners in the public and private sector and people in occupations with the highest COVID-19 risk are eligible. In the next phase, other segments of society will be eligible.”

In terms of the vaccine, she said, “Vaccination comprises of two doses, taken separately. The gap between the two doses is 21 days. The vaccine is given in the muscle of the upper arm. For the vaccine to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to the appointment of the second dose as per the stipulated time.”